August 29, 2005

scanning shoppers

The Container Store looks like they’re doing something interesting in their Manhattan store:  GoShop! Scan & Deliver.

You just shop, scan and go! You don’t have to push a shopping cart around, you’ll enjoy faster checkout and you don’t have to haul your purchases home.  It will all be delivered to you anywhere in Manhattan – the same day if you’d like – for just $15.

Potential upside:  lighter psychological burden of lugging things around the store could lead to higher average tickets (I scan it, it’s mine); home delivery means high cost real estate could be better used for merchandising, and shift delivery-bound inventory to lower cost warehouse space.  Potential downside:  customer education and real time tech support.  Trap to avoid:  merchandising in the scanner itself; the customer’s already in a rich retail environment, don’t annoy them with “you may also be interested in…” messages and make them read the screen more than they have to.