there are 5 posts from April 2011

April 30, 2011

Amazon's 2010 shareholder letter

Jeff Bezos' 2010 letter to Amazon shareholders goes in-depth on their technology, covering service oriented architectures, state management, topic modeling, object caching, etc.

All the effort we put into technology might not matter that much if we kept technology off to the side in some sort of R&D department, but we don't take that approach. Technology infuses all of our teams, all of our processes, our decision-making, and our approach to innovation in each of our businesses. It is deeply integrated into everything we do.

It's worth reading in full. There's nothing in here that should be a surprise to anyone that's paid attention to Amazon's technology over the years, but the letter signals the depth of commitment that Amazon has to ongoing R&D. It's a reminder from Bezos to Wall Street: "Hey, you know what's been driving our growth over the last five years? This stuff. And we're not letting up."


Did you know that looking at the last five years, AMZN's outperformed AAPL? I threw GOOG in there for good measure.

April 29, 2011

GEL Conference notes

I’m on the plane home from New York, having just spent two days at GEL Conference, and I feel the need to capture a few snippets about the conference while it’s still fresh. If conference wrapup blog posts annoy the hell out of you (like they usually do me), then feel free to read it and be annoyed. Or just skip it. Up to you.


We live with instant access to information–from anywhere, at any time. This is useful! And exciting! And powerful! But that access has shortened my attention span and made me incredibly impatient–if I can’t find it & grok it in under 30 seconds, it takes too long. Which makes having uninterrupted time to enjoy new experiences and learn about new people and their projects this week at GEL was a wonderful luxury. It had been a long, long time since I had been at a conference purely as an attendee (and not as a speaker, organizer, etc.), so having the opportunity to relax and go with the flow of the programming was fantastic.

Not that all of the content was relaxing. Day one of GEL seems designed to get people out of their comfort zones and connect with other attendees in ways that don’t involve coffee and muffins. During the morning they offered an improv workshop, where a group of us were invited to improvise “the story of our lives” in 60 seconds. At the end of my 60 seconds, the improv team running the session extended my little vignette (“Yes, and…”) with material that made me profoundly uncomfortable and I honestly lost myself for a minute. That doesn’t happen every day.


One of the other participants in the improv class was Abner Ramirez, who is half of the singing duo Johnnyswim. I didn’t know who he was on Thursday, but when he stepped on to stage on Friday to perform with his wife, his killer improv skills suddenly made sense. The guy was born to be on stage. As Matt tweeted right after they performed, “Holy shitballs this group Johnnyswim is great.”


Two other musical bits: Vi Hart’s presentation about how she uses math to compose music blew me away, especially her toss off comment about how a melody she had developed was basically the Fibonacci sequence. And Jace Clayton, aka DJ/rupture told the story of how at the end of a set where he’s been getting a crowd to dance, he’ll bring them down deliberately with samples of Tracy Chapman’s song “Behind the Wall,” which is about listening (“Being a DJ is all about listening”), and having to make a decision about whether you should act on what you hear.

And other quick notes, just to jot them down… Tom Lee gave an incredible overview of One Medical Group, demonstrating the problem with today’s health care system by playing back audio clips of patients trying to make a doctor’s appointment. … Perry Chen deftly used video clips from Kickstarter submissions to describe what they do, including this one for I Am I. Highly recommended. … Old friend (we are getting old) Anil Dash didn’t disappoint: he brought the Malcolm and the purple in his talk about combining tools and networks to do good. … Kirby Ferguson revealed that the next chapter in his Everything is a Remix video series is going to be about Apple. (Whoa.) … And Nicola Twilley’s talk on creating a scratch-n-sniff map of New York was great, and she used the phrase “ocular centrism” at the drop of a hat, so double plus for that.

nicola twilley's smell map

There’s a lot of talk lately about curation. Lousy curators deliver shit you don’t care about, shit you’re already seen, or worse, shit you don’t care about that you’ve already seen. Good curators deliver quality material you do care about, quality material you haven’t seen, or even better, a combination of both.

Mark Hurst is a great curator. His skill comes from a deep love and respect for his audience, which shows in the passion he has for the program and experience he assembles. It’s definitely not “safe”: the Thursday experiences pushed me out of my comfort zone, and not all of the Friday speakers were perfectly polished. But all of the content was there for a reason, all of it connected to the main theme, and it was all things that Mark cares about. It takes guts to put an eclectic program like GEL together–even with a great set of smart people doing interesting talks, there’s always a chance the program slips off the high wire. But Mark pulls it off, and when he’s up on stage walking that wire you can see the joy he takes in sharing the things he loves.

Well done.

April 16, 2011

telling simple stories

A couple of friends of ours are the super geniuses behind Paulson Bott Press. Pam Paulson and Renee Bott work with artists from around the world to create limited edition intaglio prints out of their studio in Berkeley. For years I’ve been telling them that they should be blogging – they’re both chock full of personality, have great stories about the artists they work with, and the process of printmaking is super photogenic.

They finally took the leap earlier this year, and they’re not disappointing. Renee’s latest post, Getting to Know Ross, is about how they convinced painter Ross Bleckner to come make prints with them.

As huge admirers of Ross’s work, we decided to invite him to our studio. I found an address for him by sleuthing the Internet and wrote a letter introducing myself and asking if we could meet. I explained that Pam and I were going to be in New York in two weeks. The days passed and we never heard back from Ross. Time was running out. Katrina Traywick, our sales director at the time, was quick to point out that everyone in New York has their phone numbers listed (even famous people)*, and sure enough, I found his phone number in the white pages.

It’s a great post – a simple story told from a personal point of view, simply illustrated with photos (one of which I’m particularly fond of), giving a behind the scenes look into how something wonderful happened. As friend of the show Andrew Anker posted earlier this week, blogging is no longer a technology – it’s a state of mind. And I love seeing more great people – like Pam and Renee – enter that state of mind.

* Trina laughs at this now. But it worked then!

April 13, 2011

three things i love about postagram

I know I’m behind the news cycle on this by about 24 hours, but If you haven’t seen it yet, Postagram is a thing of wonder. It’s a new web and iPhone app that does something simple and ingenious: connects to your Instagram account and helps you send photo postcards to your friends at $0.99 a pop. The postcard is designed to let the recipient pop out the photo, which was clever enough to motivate me to download the app yesterday and send one to my parents of their (oh so cute) granddaughter at the ballpark on opening weekend. Can’t wait to hear how it turned out.

But even without seeing the final product, here are three things I already love about Postagram…

  1. It’s simple. Simple is always self-evident…but think about what they didn’t build. They didn’t build a general purpose photo printing service. They didn’t connect it to three or four different photo sharing sites. You can’t choose a card or a letter or a print or a poster. In fact, you can’t customize the product at all, save your 140 character message that is printed on your postcard.

  2. It’s social. Postagram is physical photo sharing. You have a photo, you want to share it with someone. You could invite them to Instagram, of course, or you could email it to them, or you can do something special and send them an actual photo. The act of sharing is designed into the product itself…and ties directly to the nature of its “host,” Instagram. Also, who doesn’t love getting a postcard in the mail?

  3. It’s physical. This line from Adam King has been rolling around in my head the past week or so: “Our lives are spent trying to pixellate a fractal planet.” There’s so much attention and effort being put into pushing more and more real world experiences on to the screen (or augment them with the screen), it’s refreshing to see something flow in the opposite direction.

Seeing (and using) Postagram sparked that great “of course!” feeling. I’d love to see a lot more services like this: rooted in online, easy to understand, simple to use, impulse price point, creating something useful and emotionally resonant in the world.

April 05, 2011


This is a test


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